Brooklyn National Public School was established in the year 2021 and promoted by Jayanagar Education society.Formed with an objective of imparting education to everyone irrespective of caste, creed and religion, under the leadership of the president Dr. K. R. Pramahamsa & Vice president Smt. K. Geetha paramahamsa. The Trust has its own roots in the ancient values of the Indian system of education with novel approaches for imparting and also clear focus on holistic delivery of education through human development at various levels. With this objective, Jayanagar Education Society has emerged as a strong educational group and established AMC Brooklyn National Public School. Jayanagar Education Society. Committed to enrich its repertoire of services by providing innovative and enduring school education
Brooklyn National Public School which has created a strong niche with its existence in the school education by sheer hardwork, focused attention towards delivering value based education to the children.
Brooklyn National Public School is committed to provide quality education to the children, nurture their potential and prepare them to rise to the challenge of future knowledge society. The school has been prepared to be modern, a centre of learning, supported by state-of-the-art of technology and top-of-the-line infrastructure.
With excellent curriculum activities BNPS differentiates its learning system under the guidance of qualified teachers.