Visual Arts

The arts at BNPS are seen as an effective and powerful medium for self-exploration, self-expression and tuning in to the inner self. In the performing arts, theatre and music assume special significance. With resource persons trained from reputed schools, performing arts activities at BNPS are designed to inspire originality and provide a platform for creative expression and exposure to the skills and art of theatre.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to
Music is a universal language and it is one of the best things that bring all of us humans together. It has the power to make us all feel happy and this is why people all around the world love to listen to and even play music.
Music at BNPS is a celebration of the wide range of musical instruments and styles found in the Indian su-continent. Children are exposed to the finer nuances and subtleties of a variety of musical sounds and rhythms. Each child is encouraged to sing, play and participate in a range of music related activities to discover the “Magic of music” and the “musician” within themselves
Our music partner is INTUNE ACADEMY where children will be trained how to tune Guitar and piano musical instruments.

I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what is too deep to find for words. – Ruth St. Denis
Performing art also includes dance. Talented resource persons and teachers are arranged to teach a variety of dance forms. Dance to us is perceived as a medium of bodily self-expression and an aesthetic tool to channelize physical energies.